This month, November 2024, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on the exemplar contract matterthat needlessly wasted the financial resources of the litigants. In Ultra Deep Picasso Pte.Limited v. Dynamic Industries Saudia Arabia Ltd. and Riyad Bank, the Circuit...

The Peril of Embedded Contractual Self-Interest

In recent decades, state legislatures have encouraged the profligate expansion of business entities available to be registered in their respective states. Unfortunately, many of these business models may be so easily formed and registered that they qualify for a new...

Mental Illness Or Meanness

Mental Illness Or Meanness We live in a world far removed from the one I experienced as a child. We are now even more angry and cynical than we were during the Vietnam War. Criminality is commonplace and its connection with mental illness is a rarity in discussion....

Contracts – The Drawing Together

From May 2015: It’s abundantly normal that we think of contracts as something that only occurs in business. But a law professor once told me that if I watched the movies and afterward did not think differently of the subject of contracts, I had learned nothing about...

After The Flood And Your Insurance Claim

Even before we start picking up the pieces from the central Texas and Hill Country floods, telephones of insurers in distant states must stand in watchful anticipation of the deluge to come. Much like those affected by the central Texas fires just a few years ago,...